Launch webinar
Took place on:
September 14 2021: 10.00 - 10.45
The webinar officially launched the Competition and its website, outlined what the Trustees are looking for, and explained how to enter, plus offered an opportunity for keen potential entrants to ask questions of the Trustees....
Ginny Clarke, CBE, Vice Chair and Trustee of the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund, and Chair of the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund Competition Judging panel
Marie Godward & Molly Hoggard, Transport Planners, Mott MacDonald, and co-developers, GET IT, funded by the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund
Andrew Caleya Chetty, CEO, Starling Technologies
Andy Graham, Trustee, Rees Jeffreys Road Fund
Watch the launch webinar...

Winners revealed
December 3 2021: 11:00 - 12:00
We asked...
...when you think about the role we need roads to play in 50 years' time, what do you see?
And at this event...
...we will award a grant of £5,000 each to the most outstanding entrants, in any non-school category, in order to enable them to develop a more detailed proposal for the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund Trustees to consider, subject to conditions.
There will be a cash prize of £5,000 for the best entry in each of the categories: primary schools and colleges, plus two runners-up prizes of £2,000 in each schools category