Connected Vehicle Platform
The Eloy proposal, including a contribution from Rees Jeffreys grant awardee Phil Carey, brought together one of the bigger issues for rural areas, identifying other users (pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and others) on single track routes and blind corners, utilising an app. Described as virtual traffic lights, the Judges liked the fact that it offers the opportunity of greater information to all types of road users using a technology that is readily available to many.

Reed Mobility
How to deliver safe, ethical, equitable road use with automated vehicles
The Reed Mobility proposal brought forward issues about automated vehicles (AVs) that provided a new dimension about AVs that will address a number of key social issues, importantly involving the general public to a much greater extent. It was recognised that there is a lot of work done commercially on AVs but this proposal would enable the wider issues of impact, concern and benefit to the general public to be considered.
Judges statement
The Judges wish to congratulate all the entrants for getting to this stage of the Competition.
Choosing winners was challenging, says David Tarrant, Chairman, Rees Jeffreys Road Fund. “Each entry contained an idea that could have a potentially strong and positive impact on the future of our roads and continue the legacy of William Rees Jeffreys,” he said.
“Both proposals were very well presented and, importantly, addressed issues that, in the modern day, support the principles of the RJRF. Both projects are going to involve other partners/steering groups to guide their further work,” added Tarrant.
RJRF Trustees will work with each of the winners to plan out the next phase of work to and to ensure that maximum benefit is gained for the sector.
The remaining finalists also proposed some very good projects and the RJRF Trustees will have further discussions with each of them, to see how they might also help progress their proposals, said Tarrant.

Both proposals were very well presented and, importantly, addressed issues that, in the modern day, support the principles of the Rees Jeffreys Road Fund’
David Tarrant, Chairman, Rees Jeffreys Road Fund